Friday, October 19, 2012

Brooksville Then & Now

Mark your calendars:  Bob Martinez, longtime Brooksvillian and publisher of "Old Brooksville in Photos and Stories" will present "Brooksville Then and Now" a photo presentation contrasting downtown as it was in the early 20th century 's with today. That's Friday November 9th, at the Main library from 11 a.m -12 a.m.

Also on November 9th, the East branch will host a "Write Your Personal History" workshop from 10-noon. A written record your memories will be a great complement to the genealogical record of your family. Contact the library to register and then come out to the East branch and get started!
We will being taking a 2 week break from our blog - back on November 5th.

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Ted Talk: How We're Building the World's Largest Family Tree

 From in 2018.